Syd Lewin

Access Coordinator

Image of Syd, a white androgynous person with short brown hair. Syd is wearing glasses and a striped shirt with a collar.

Syd Lewin (they/them) is an Access Coordinator with Activating Change. They are a recent graduate from Virginia Commonwealth University with a B.F.A. in Sculpture, a certificate in Disability Studies, a minor in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies, and university honors. During their undergraduate work, they served as the Editor-in-Chief of Amendment, a campus magazine publishing socially engaged works, and as the Project Coordinator of a newly emerging student material archive.

Syd is passionate about accessibility and centering disability culture. They presented on the role of access and disability justice in anti-violence spaces at the Creating a Culture of Care conference hosted by the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance’s. Syd is also a practicing artist and used their Disability Studies capstone program to explore the opportunity of creative approaches to access in artworks. They can often be found sewing, making zines, or playing with their cats Sci-Fi and Gazpacho.